Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sperm does not make sense to protect her need to spend!

Which only stereotypes, myths and speculation does not exist in the field of sexuality, as well as the closely related field of procreation. One interesting feature of them: as a rule, they are born very quickly, while, in fact, from the air, but live "happily ever after", and die very slowly. Most often, however, they do not "die" and are not going to do that.

One such extremely enduring stereotypes not so long ago "exposed" scientists. However, they are well aware that their discovery does not guarantee that this sexual myth and will remain "live" in the minds of millions of people. What to do, in science has its limitations. That's one of those myths claims that the degree of sexual activity and quality of male sperm directly related.
How does it look? There are a number of men and women who firmly believe that in order to conceive a healthy child, a man very time it is imperative to refrain from any sexual contact. It is, quite simply, is that the "protect sperm," do not spend it on all sorts of "stupidity", which, for example, include sex with women "for fun." These people talk like this: "Then came the very, special, important days, then get down to business!"

Alas, in fact, everything looks exactly the opposite. In those cases where the man for a long time "withstand" the sperm and abstaining from sex, quality of it, just getting worse. It found its scientific and experimental confirmation in a recent study, which is attended by over 6,000 people. Thus scientists, analyzing the results, made ​​the following conclusion: the longer the sperm in the male body is, the more likely she is in contact with such materials located there, which only worsen its quality. That makes the conclusions!

Potency and lack of exercise

About impotence says today is not only the lazy man. Moreover, in the company of men impotence has increasingly become the object of good-natured jokes and even scathing ridicule. But laugh then, in general, do not over than enough trouble to happen at somebody as a joke on his part about the "impotence", which immediately evaporate.

Of course, many of us rely on drugs to increase potency. As experience shows, this rate in many cases is justified. (Click on the link and you can order it). However, drug-drug, but it is also obvious that they need to take in conjunction with the conduct of other equally important events.

One of the obvious problems of modern society - a sedentary lifestyle that most men are working in the office. Having spent the whole day in a comfortable office chair, then they sit down in the car, and got home again transplanted into the chair, but homely. It is not difficult to guess that the body no joy from doing such a lifestyle is not and can not be. Doctors warn that due to sedentary, hypodynamic lifestyle pelvic constantly accumulates and stagnant blood. Most can sympathize truckers who have to travel great distances. Among other things, they also supercooled, which dramatically increases the likelihood of disease.

It is a sedentary lifestyle is often a precipitating factor for various diseases. Thus it not only provokes the appearance of hemorrhoids eventually, but it may well be the main cause of problems is not the most pleasant with male reproductive system. Therefore, it is imperative to call the men in his periodic blood circulation. It is not so difficult. Enough to do regular walk, as well as regular physical exercises. Help and simple but regular pelvic muscle tension, which can be done during operation.

Problems with potency? Look to psychologists and Andrology!

Own level of sexual activity concerned, probably every mature man. Not only interesting but also important to know how tall he is not reduced if there are still any reserves or they are already exhausted.

Will help to forget about sexual problems can only really effective means. Here is a web link.

How do I find out? Is necessary to arrange sex with other men tournaments or check yourself for strength and harass women sex marathon? No, just turn to doctors androlagam. They are able to competently investigate the biological potential of the male body, to carry out ultrasound vessels of the penis, explore your identity for sexual satisfaction, to solve many other valuable tasks.

If the body is not worn out, works like a clock, but the psychological sexual satisfaction is low, most likely, the peak of sexual activity you are still ahead. However, when health does not work well, but satisfaction from sex is very high, it is possible that you just overestimate their strength. Your body, unfortunately, runs at a maximum at the limit of their capabilities. What to do? Of course as soon as possible take measures, otherwise sex activity is likely in the near future to go into decline.

Layman often argue so, problems with male potency "tied" solely on the penis. It is not, is more complicated. Erectile dysfunction - is not so much a disease as a complication of diseases that already exist in men. Absolutely healthy man just will not impotent. On male potency is reflected in everything that happens in the male: the hormonal shift to psychological problems. It is believed that the main reason for the fall of potency in men up to 40 years hiding in the psyche, and after 40 years - in containers.

Sex, heart and health

As you know, many men who have heart problems, try to avoid intimate relationships, citing the fact that "everything related to sex in such a situation to anything good will not." Of course, if abused, neglected their health, then so be it. But in general, if we consider the problem in a comprehensive, just the opposite. That sex trains diseased heart and is a reliable tool for preventive hindering the development of the set, including the very dangerous diseases. This is the position of medical scientists, based on research results.

Sexual activity is generally fertile for the body and the heart. That deaths during intercourse happen, no one denies. But deaths during sex so rare that they can even statistically negligible. After funny -barred when the probability of death, even in core measures postinfarction period one case a few tens of thousands of sex acts performed.

Why? The fact that regular sex, so even with constant proven psychologically intimate partner often leads to improved blood circulation. It is nothing like a beautiful cardio. It is interesting that none of the elements of sexual intercourse "is not without work": petting promote cardiac muscle workout, while the bulk of sexual intercourse does not leave the area of the optimum. On the sharp increase in pressure core can not speak, because sexual intercourse lasts only a few minutes and has a positive emotion.

Due to the release of endorphins all body systems get a kind of additional physiological dope, nervous tension decreases muscle spasms go, heart normal, heart tissue starting to get blood and oxygen to the extent necessary.

Bleeding gums and erectile dysfunction

If you are concerned about the problem of reducing the potency, you can buy a proven drugs (here is the link) to improve its or test your gums.

So it turns out that the information about the relationship of male potency with a variety of phenomena occurring in the human body and outside of it, comes almost every day. At this time we are "pleased" Turkish scholars.

The scientists from Turkey, first put forward, and then proved the hypothesis that bleeding gums can create serious problems with the quality of male sexual function. Essence of research: scientists monitored over the gums men as suffering and not suffering from erectile dysfunction. The research result has fully confirmed the initial hypothesis: 53% percent of men suffering from erectile dysfunction have very serious problems with the gums. At the same time, men who have had no problems with potency, in most cases with bleeding gums never encountered. Bleeding was noted in only 23 per cent of the group studied.

What is the cause of this phenomenon? Scientists explain communication bleeding gums and erectile dysfunction in patients that bacteria gum necessarily fall into the general circulation, thereby clogging the blood vessels and arteries. This creates a favorable situation for the occurrence of heart disease and, thus, of erectile dysfunction. By the way, perhaps, why a growing number of researchers directly indicate the link between risk of heart disease and problems with erection.

From gum disease and suffering self-esteem of men. In order to reduce the likelihood of problems with the gums, it is recommended careful removal of stuck in the teeth of food debris. By the way, bleeding gums may point to serious diseases such as stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis, etc. So that the results of the study of Turkish scientists should be taken very seriously. .

Erectile dysfunction in young one does not go

Whatever country we are not taken, when it comes to television advertising of drugs to increase potency, everywhere we see roughly the same picture. We show some gray-haired gentleman who "squints" at the sight of the opposite sex, whether it be a wife, a mistress, a young pretty girl. In the meantime, he tells us that he accepts "one magic drug" by which he in bed just a hurricane, and maybe even more. By the way here are magical drugs can be ordered on the Internet. We only need to simply click on the link.

Meanwhile, according to research by scientists of the University Vita- Salute, located in the Italian town of San Raffaele likely advertising "oldies - supermen" in the near future will have to change to "boys with burning eyes." Study attendance statistics offices of urologists and sexologists representatives of a strong half of mankind clearly showed that of 439 patients, in the form of clearly suffering from erectile dysfunction, 26 percent or 114 people were young people whose age does not exceed 40 years.

When scientists began to analyze anamezy and results of diagnostic tests, their surprise, there were no limits.

By comparing the results of young impotent with the results shown their elderly fellow sufferers, the researchers found that the disease had first proceeded much heavier than those of men, which can be attributed to the middle -aged and older.

In addition to erectile dysfunction in young was another, and even more diseases are usually related to the heart , blood vessels, diabetes.

Summarizing the work of Paolo Kapogrosso, head of the study complained that "the days when erectile dysfunction in young patients was associated exclusively with psychological problems are over. Now, such a patient should be carefully checked and the presence of serious vascular pathologies."

How not to lose face by having sex on the beach ...

Sex on the beach - a common occurrence in Latin America, where a lot of not only the sun, sand and monkeys, but also beautiful women. Today this way of sexual life is gradually becoming a fashion and we are. At the same time, that romance, we can observe in the Brazilian and Mexican soap operas, in fact no more prose. How to make so that it went on the level and not over the loss of health from both men and women.

First, the choice of location is important to practice love joys. Certainly, it should be seldom visited. Otherwise, you have all the chances to "bump" in the crowd of onlookers, which will not only be a witness to your love of joy, but it may actually interfere with its normal course. For example, come at the most inopportune moment.

Second, to sex on the beach does not become parties to it in hell, it is important to bring a blanket sufficient length and thickness. Some "experts" recommend even take two veils. The fact that the lovers get dirty in the sand, only to look beautiful erotic photographs. In reality, the treacherous sand can go anywhere, even in the most intimate places. Minimum punishment for such carelessness - unpleasant sensations, maximum - infection of the skin, infection, etc.

In addition there are sandy beaches and bays. Here it is necessary to have sex with maximum caution, otherwise troubles and injuries just can not be avoided. Best sexy pose lovers in this case - the woman on top. The fact that the maximum problem in this case will have a partner of which is at the bottom. It is understood that the woman in this case you should feel sorry for, and us men, it is difficult to imagine myself without bumps and bruises that we just decorate. Top prize for the pair lies in the fact that the intimate side of life will receive a new impetus.

What harm potency and libido, and that helps

The vast number of men associated with any understanding of health with anything, but with a healthy potency. Alas, lose potency, as shown and shows the lives of many men, not so difficult. Especially in cases where regular neglect basic things. For example, avoid those foods that are no good male libido.

Alas, many quite ordinary, we would say, even familiar foods that we eat every day, an extremely negative effect on sexual potency and libido. The reason for this is very simple - too many very different "chemistry" as a part of any modern food, whichever we did not take for consideration.

An important factor in reducing the potency and libido are bad habits. For example, as if it did not look corny, but smoking disrupts the vessels. And the vessels of the penis, including. Do you like beer, but that beer reduces the production of male hormones, and this thesis is not "sucked from the finger", as proved by numerous scientific studies.But if you still can not stop smoking and beer, and you already feel the increase of problems with potency, our site help you.

Thus, the negative factors affecting the potency and libido, like clear. One of the easiest ways to increase the production of male sex hormone testosterone - it's weight training. Plus - this kind of activities will help develop your muscular and athletic figure, so your ratings sexuality will simply go off-scale. Therefore, employment dispute always and everywhere worth the candle. Men, in one form or another, valued sport as a tool to improve the potency at all times.

Great news is that increasing protein intake required for pattern formation by muscle growth, positive impact on hormonal levels, and ultimately leads to increased sexual desire.

How to configure the intimate muscles

Duration of erection - is one of the most mythological those plying in a male environment. In fact, everything is very individual: one man even one sexual act can be completed within a few minutes, and the other is not enough for one hour. Nevertheless, women are very unhappy with the situation where an erection in men anymore, and she has not yet experienced an orgasm. Equally ladies express displeasure and when orgasm has long passed, but the poor man still can not complete the process. However, the second case, much less the first. If all the same data embarrassments consequence problems with potency, the solution to this problem will help magic pills. Here is a link.

A short erection is not a pathology, it may happen in men of any age. However, much depends on the woman, if she sees that men are obtained by "badly", but still doubt in his manhood, and even give him to understand that he is impotent, expect trouble. In this case, we have to be infused by the man 's sexual inferiority program, which is closely connected with the peculiarities of his personality (vulnerability, suggestibility, impulsivity), and not with any disabilities.

Duration of erection is dependent on many factors, primarily on how the muscles responsible for its maintenance. The more physically developed man, the higher the probability that the quality and duration of erection shall be those of their partner wants to see any. If a man is experiencing problems in intimate terms associated with these muscles, it makes sense to restore their work pass procedures vibro massage. In the tone of intimate muscles are using this method by exposure to sound waves of a certain frequency. It is also important that procedures Vibromassage easily achievable and at home.

Few Sex - bad, a lot - much worse

According to some scholars, the more sex in a man's life, so it is dangerous to health. Say at once that it was not so simple, because there are studies that protect and reverse point of view. However, to date such diametric views on male sex, perhaps even useful, as opponents make thoroughly explain their point of view.

Australian biologists from the University of Western Australia in the belief that sex is bad excessive male body, tried to prove it experimentally. The results showed that the frequent references to amorous pleasures really do not give good health male. Moreover, they can seriously undermine the immune system of man.

During the experiment, the scientists searched for the relationship between physical health and male sperm. It turned out that the more quality semen is produced, the more affected other systems of the male body. The greatest damage is caused by the immune system really. How sad consequence - men are more sensitive to various infectious diseases.

Australian scientists believe that these results should be the most radically change the attitude of a strong half of humanity to sexual acts. Colleagues of Australian scientists from Germany took the same point of view. According to German too active and violent sex can harm the health of the male as headaches begin.

Then immediately begs the question: "So what is the ideal duration of having sex?" Accurate and unambiguous answer to this question will not give any one person, but it is obvious that the sexual act must in time be within those limits, while he is a pleasure, and the man does not feel any discomfort.