Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sex, heart and health

As you know, many men who have heart problems, try to avoid intimate relationships, citing the fact that "everything related to sex in such a situation to anything good will not." Of course, if abused, neglected their health, then so be it. But in general, if we consider the problem in a comprehensive, just the opposite. That sex trains diseased heart and is a reliable tool for preventive hindering the development of the set, including the very dangerous diseases. This is the position of medical scientists, based on research results.

Sexual activity is generally fertile for the body and the heart. That deaths during intercourse happen, no one denies. But deaths during sex so rare that they can even statistically negligible. After funny -barred when the probability of death, even in core measures postinfarction period one case a few tens of thousands of sex acts performed.

Why? The fact that regular sex, so even with constant proven psychologically intimate partner often leads to improved blood circulation. It is nothing like a beautiful cardio. It is interesting that none of the elements of sexual intercourse "is not without work": petting promote cardiac muscle workout, while the bulk of sexual intercourse does not leave the area of the optimum. On the sharp increase in pressure core can not speak, because sexual intercourse lasts only a few minutes and has a positive emotion.

Due to the release of endorphins all body systems get a kind of additional physiological dope, nervous tension decreases muscle spasms go, heart normal, heart tissue starting to get blood and oxygen to the extent necessary.

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