If you are concerned about the problem of reducing the potency, you can buy a proven drugs (here is the link) to improve its or test your gums.
So it turns out that the information about the relationship of male potency with a variety of phenomena occurring in the human body and outside of it, comes almost every day. At this time we are "pleased" Turkish scholars.
The scientists from Turkey, first put forward, and then proved the hypothesis that bleeding gums can create serious problems with the quality of male sexual function. Essence of research: scientists monitored over the gums men as suffering and not suffering from erectile dysfunction. The research result has fully confirmed the initial hypothesis: 53% percent of men suffering from erectile dysfunction have very serious problems with the gums. At the same time, men who have had no problems with potency, in most cases with bleeding gums never encountered. Bleeding was noted in only 23 per cent of the group studied.
What is the cause of this phenomenon? Scientists explain communication bleeding gums and erectile dysfunction in patients that bacteria gum necessarily fall into the general circulation, thereby clogging the blood vessels and arteries. This creates a favorable situation for the occurrence of heart disease and, thus, of erectile dysfunction. By the way, perhaps, why a growing number of researchers directly indicate the link between risk of heart disease and problems with erection.
From gum disease and suffering self-esteem of men. In order to reduce the likelihood of problems with the gums, it is recommended careful removal of stuck in the teeth of food debris. By the way, bleeding gums may point to serious diseases such as stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis, etc. So that the results of the study of Turkish scientists should be taken very seriously. .
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